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First published: 30 January 2019

LCF’s Professor Reina Lewis takes Faith & Fashion to Cambridge, in a collaboration with the Woolf Institute to discuss the interplay of body management, gender and religious cultures.

Reina’s presentation on the politics of religious visibility through dress in the interfaith context, dovetails with the research of Dr Kristin Aune from Coventry whose work on UK feminist approaches to religion and spirituality reveals the lived, embodied, and relational nature of religion-spirituality in contemporary life.

From the Woolf Institute, Dr Lea Taragin-Zeller demonstrates the role of modesty and beauty practices in the construction of female piety among ultra-Orthodox teenagers in Israel.

An international lens on the diverse personal, political, and style motivations for young women’s take up of modest dressing in the Middle East was provided by the session chair, academic and journalist Azadeh Moaveni, author of Lipstick Jihad.

Listen to Reina and the panel in Cambridge as they discuss the body, gender and religious cultures from a multi-faith and international comparative perspective.