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Video picks: Haroon Mizra's sculptural sound installations

  • Written byShepherd Manyika
  • Published date 22 June 2018
Still from Studio Visit | TateShots.
So how can you use turntables, tapes, microphones, vinyl and mixers to make artwork?

You could start by taking some notes from Haroon Mirza, who graduated from the MA (post graduate degree) at Chelsea College of Art.

He works with found audio footage and objects and plays with meaning and the functions of these objects- e.g. a tap becomes an instrument in Mirza’s world. He uses his interest in testing sound waves, light waves and electric currents to create pieces that draw you in as an audience member.

Haroon Mirza – Studio Visit | TateShots

Video: courtesy of Tate.

Want to see more?

We love Haroon’s cardboard and gaffer tape records- amazing! See more of these in his piece ‘50 Locked Grooves’

Explore more of his work on his website

This video introduces you to the process behind Haroon’s work and some of the objects and he produced for the 'Cross Section of a Revolution' (2011) installation. You’ll see that some of the objects are customised and made by him whilst others are more familiar objects, re-purposed to make sound. He uses musical equipment in an abstract way to compose soundscapes.

Mirza likes repetition. He uses it to create patterns in his work – cutting; splicing, sampling, light flashing and reusing and sound are all used as hook to bring you in closer. Add in his references to popular culture which are quickly introduced and taken away and you’ll see that this artist is challenging you to engage and question the message of his work.

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