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Results information and key dates 2023–2024

The information and dates below are provided to support staff at UAL Approved Centres in the accurate and timely delivery of results for Ofqual-regulated UAL qualifications this academic year.

Level 3 and 4 Internally and Externally Assessed Qualifications

17 November 2023 - Registration deadline

20 June 2024 - Grade submission deadline

8 August 2024 - Embargoed results issued to Exams Officers for checking

15 August 2024 - Results issued to Students by Exams Officers

Entry level, Level 1 and 2 qualifications

17 November 2023 - Registration deadline

20 June 2024 - Grade submission deadline

15 August 2024 - Embargoed results issued to Exams Officers for checking

22 August 2024 - Results issued to Students by Exams Officers

Please note: the deadline for completing the mandatory term-time checkpoint was Friday 26 April 2024.

Results 2024 information for UAL Awarding Body centres

Please note: this information only applies to pre-degree students completing Ofqual-regulated UAL Awarding Body qualifications in summer 2024.

Thank you to all centres for supporting UAL's ongoing regulatory compliance and its obligations to the UK qualifications regulators by promptly responding to our requests for information.

When results will be released

Results will be released on the nationally set results dates this year, which are aligned with those for General Qualifications. We will supply results to centres on the dates specified above in advance to them being shared with students (under strict embargo) to enable you to check that the results meet your expectations and to prepare for the release to students. Should you find any issues with your results, please contact the Operations team at immediately.

Grades must be stored securely and must not be shared externally with students, parents, or members of the public, or internally with any staff not directly involved in the grading process until they are publicly released. Centres will be subject to the application of the UAL Sanctions Policy (PDF 166KB) if any embargoed grades are shared prior to the UAL release date or the above conditions and deadlines are not met.

Appealing students’ grades

The Appeals policy has been written to inform UAL Approved Centres who offer UAL Awarding Body qualifications about the requirements to submit an appeal including grounds of appeal, the process to be followed and its associated timelines.

Centre pre-results day check

The UAL Awarding Body will release results to centres 7 days before they are released to learners.

If a centre identifies an administrative error has occurred during this check, they must email UAL Awarding Body Operations team ( and request an amendment to the learner’s result. Please see section 3.1 of the policy for further guidance.

Internally and Externally assessed qualifications

All appeals must be submitted to UAL Awarding Body within 10 working days of national results day. Please refer to section 3 and 4 of the policy for further guidance on how to submit a grade appeal. We advise that you read the policy in full before submitting an appeal to UAL Awarding Body to ensure you have met the full requirements.

For enquires related to grade appeals, please contact

Submitting an application

The UAL Awarding Body application form will be live on the 15 August 2024. Please find the online form, one application must be submitted for each eligible learner. We advise that you read the UAL Awarding Body Appeals Policy in full before submitting an appeal.

UAL Approved Centres have 10 working days from national results day to submit an application. If you have any queries relating to appeals, please contact

Contact us

For urgent results queries not covered by our guidance, including support using our centre portal (Quartzweb), please contact

Please contact for other general enquiries.

You can also contact our switchboard on 020 7514 8881. This is open during office hours from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Results 2024 information for UAL Awarding Body students

Please note: this information is relevant to students completing a pre-degree UAL Awarding Body qualification at one of our approved centres – it does not apply to UAL undergraduate or postgraduate students.

Results day

Level 3 and 4 results day: 15 August 2024

Entry Level, Level 1 and 2 results day: 22 August 2024

Please contact your college in order to obtain your results.

Please contact your school or college to obtain your results. If they are unable to provide your result, the school or college must contact UAL Awarding Body with the student’s name, Centre name and the title of the qualification.

If your college is unable to provide your result, please email our Operations team at with your name, college name and the title of your qualification.

Appealing your grade

You will be able to appeal your grade via your centre following the release of the results by UAL.

To find out more about the grounds on which you can appeal, please see our UAL Awarding Body Grade Appeals Policy 2024 (PDF 1.2MB).

Not received the grade you need for your university course

We share all Level 3 qualification grades with UCAS in advance of releasing results to centres. You will need to contact UCAS or the university admissions department regarding of any direct applications if you do not receive the grade you need.

UCAS has published this guidance for what to do on results day including the option to enter UCAS Clearing.

Receiving your certificate

Certificates will be issued to centre for onward distribution to students in October.