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Social and environmental ethics

Ethical investment

We reflect our values in how we invest as a university. This means that we don’t invest in fossil fuel companies, arms companies or businesses that violate international law.

Our Responsible Investment Policy (PDF 151KB) guides investment in green energy firms as part of the portfolio and embeds environmental and social responsibility.

The policy commits to reinvest in renewable energy projects and covers the full scope of our investments. It’s signed-off at a senior level, by the Director of Finance. The policy commits to reinvest in renewable energy projects and covers the full scope of our investments. We have also joined forces with 20 of the UK’s leading universities in a £50m deal to buy renewable electricity directly from British wind farms.

Responsible investment

We were the first higher education institute to commit to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). PRI is the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment, which incorporates key environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. It supports its international network to use these factors in their investment and ownership decisions.

Fund managers acting on our behalf must be signatories of the PRI and the managers must invest based on our definitions of ESG, including screening out certain sectors outlined in our Responsible Investment Policy.

We put all our information about investment practices and procedures in one place. This is more transparent and means students, staff and the public can access our information. Our PRI Transparency Report (PDF 557KB) is an annual progress report with information about who is responsible for signing off investments and the types of investments we have.

Electronics Watch

We’re a member of a purchasing consortium that is affiliated to Electronics Watch on behalf of its members, known as the London Universities Purchasing Consortium (LUPC). This helps us to make procurement decisions that protect workers' rights across the electronics supply chain.

Ethical pledges

We've signed the Can't Buy My Silence university pledge. This means that we undertake to never use a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) in a case involving sexual harassment, discrimination, or other forms of misconduct or bullying. NDAs are legally enforceable agreements between parties that are used to ensure that certain information remains confidential. Read our statement about the Can't Buy My Silence pledge.

The pledge makes sure that victims can speak about what has happened to them to whoever would be appropriate. By making it harder for any harmful behaviour to be hidden, not using NDAs reduces the risk of repeat offences and further victims.

Ethical careers and recruitment

Our Student and Graduate Employment Policy (PDF 111KB) was approved in 2021 and reviewed and reapproved in May 2022. This is our commitment to employ students and graduates as part of their education and career development.

Arts Temps is our recruitment agency and jobs board, providing UAL students and graduates with job opportunities and giving recruiters access to their talents.

It promotes ethical recruitment practices and inclusive and transparent processes. It stands firmly against unpaid internships and believes that all our students and graduates deserve fair pay for their incredible work. It’s an accredited Living Wage employer and is the largest recruitment agency for students and graduates to guarantee at least the real Living Wage for all roles.

Arts Temps doesn't allow fossil fuel companies, mining companies, arms companies or tobacco companies to advertise on the platform. In 2022 we also adopted a fossil-free careers service policy.

Read about our commitment to not work with companies in the fossil fuel, mining, arms or tobacco industries for career opportunities.

Read our list of names and roles of staff working in careers and employability (PDF 86KB).

Living wage

Since 2021, the Living Wage Foundation formally accredited UAL as a UK Living ‎Wage Employer.

As a Living Wage Employer, all UAL staff and contracted staff earn at least the minimum hourly wage. These rates are ‎higher than the government-set UK minimum rate for anyone over 23.

Read our statement on contracted staff.‎

Staff induction

Our induction process explains our approach to sustainability and provides advice and ways to get involved.

New staff members complete our Carbon Literacy Training module (PDF 1.33MB). This covers:

  • facts about the climate emergency
  • carbon positive
  • waste and circularity
  • buying with a conscience
  • sustainable learning, teaching and research.

Following our climate emergency statement, we’ve introduced sustainability and climate learning outcomes into every course and our Climate Emergency Network have rolled out the award winning Climate Emergency Interactive.

Equal access to higher education - scholarship and maintenance costs

We're committed to widening participation and access to higher education (HE) and supporting students as they progress to the next stage in their creative education, these provide specific eligibility criteria for refugees, asylum seekers or those granted humanitarian protection.

  • Our UAL Sanctuary initiative is currently exploring ways to provide support those affected by conflict and persecution outside of the UK.
  • Our UAL Travel Bursary offers to cover the costs of travel within the UK for applicants meeting eligibility criteria to attend UAL applicant and interview days.
  • UAL International Postgraduate Scholarship offers up to 165 scholarships which provide a £5,000 tuition fee waiver for a full-time taught master’s course.
  • UAL International Postgraduate £50,000 Scholarship and ISH accommodation award covers the cost of tuition fees, accommodation at one of our halls of residence and may also contribute towards living costs.
  • The Refugee Journalism Project is a partnership between London College of Communication (LCC), The Refugee Council, The Guardian Foundation, and Google News. It supports refugee and exiled journalists to re-start their careers in the UK. The Beyond Borders scholarship was established through The Refugee Journalism Project to support refugee and exiled journalists through their study.
  • Anyone on an undergraduate, graduate diploma or postgraduate course can apply for our Hardship Fund. The fund is a means-tested hardship grant to assist with study costs. It is not a loan and does not need to be repaid.

We also offer a wide range of scholarships supporting home and international students, like the:

Our Access and Participation Plan (PDF 707KB) outlines our commitment to widening participation and fair access to higher education and is approved by the OfS.