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External examiners’ guidance

The Academic Quality and Standards Committee appoints at least 1 external examiner to all higher education courses leading to a university award.

These pages provide information and guidance for examiners during their tenure at UAL.

The external examiner's role

The role of the external examiner is to ensure that the academic standards appropriate to the award in question are maintained, that justice is done to the students, and that in the processes of assessment, students are treated fairly and equitably according to the University's policies and regulations.

The external examiner is not involved in the learning, teaching or internal examining process as a participant, but takes an external perspective on those processes, independently advising the course team and, ultimately, the University.


This document outlines the formal regulations governing the appointment, rights and responsibilities of the external examiner.


The University of the Arts London report template which must be used when submitting the final report.

University of the Arts London's claim form for fees and expenses incurred by external examiners, and guidance on completion. The attached guidance page details additional documentation that is required in order for your claim to be processed.

Please note: Expenses will not be paid without submission of hard copy receipts

For courses at UAL Colleges:

For courses at Northbrook College (formerly known as Greater Brighton Metropolitan College):

For courses at South Essex:

For courses at London Contemporary Dance School:


The External Examiner Handbook is sent to all new external examiners along with their appointment letter. It gives guidance on the rights and responsibilities of external examiners at University of the Arts London and also includes frequently asked questions and contact details for staff across the University.

This note gives further guidance on the extent of the sample, upper and lower limits of the sample size, and other matters.

You may have been appointed a mentor to work alongside you during your first year of tenure. This document offers guidelines on mentoring for external examiners at the University, including the purpose of the mentor scheme and what to expect from your mentor.