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Oil Painting for 16 to 18 Year Olds Short Course

Course description

Learn to master some of the techniques of oil painting as you discover why this versatile medium has been a favourite choice for many artists over the centuries. This course has been specially designed for younger students who will spend a week working alongside a practising artist to learn the techniques and experiment with new processes. The course includes a visit to Tate Modern where students can look at how artists have worked with oils over the past 100 years. Back in the studio you will learn about composition, colour and application as you create your own works from observation and photographs. You will experiment with a variety of techniques from the traditional to contemporary. This course promises to be hands on and dynamic as we encourage you to explore scale and consider the possibilities of working on a range of surfaces.

Course Outcomes

On completing the course you will have

  • Worked with a range of techniques and different surfaces
  • Investigated a range of approaches to making work
  • Understood the basics principles of colour and composition
  • Have greater confidence in your ability

Clear, easy to understand lessons:

  • Our tutors will explain things in easy to understand, accessible English. If they need to use any special terminology they will make sure they explain what they mean.
  • New methods will be shown to students through live demonstrations, in a way thats crystal clear and easy to understand.
  • Experience life on campus
  • Network and share ideas with students from across the globe
  • Access the technology and materials relevant to your discipline
  • Shop in our college shops for any materials you might need
  • Ask questions of your tutor in real time
  • Receive feedback and critique on your assignments
  • Experience the many sights of London on your down time

Digital Credentials (badges and certificates)

Students will receive a UAL Short Courses digital badge and certificate on completion of the course. Digital credentials are a great way to celebrate your accomplishments and stand out from the crowd. Find out more about our digital badges and credentials.

Available dates

It can take a few moments for our course dates to load - if there are no available dates, please sign up to our mailing list where new course dates will be announced or browse other courses within your chosen subject area to find an alternative.


Topics covered:

  • Work alongside practicing artists to learn new techniques and experiment with new processes
  • Composition
  • Colour
  • Application from observationa nd photographs
  • Work with a variety of techniques and surfaces
At the end of the course you will have more confidence in your painting skills and have experienced a range of approaches to creating work. 


Please bring the following materials with you on the first day:

  • 2 glass jars (jam jars etc.)
  • Palette (you can use an old ceramic plate for this)
  • Palette knives (plastic or metal)
  • 2 A2 canvases or canvas boards
  • A2 or A3 oil paper pad with pages that can be torn out
  • Hog-hair brushes in a range of sizes – including a small size 2 brush, and a brush at around 1.5cm width. Please make sure you have a few round-ended brushes and a few flat brushes in your kit.
  • Cloths or rags to clean your palette and brushes
  • Apron or old clothing to protect your clothes
  • A camera to document your work

Oil paints:

  • White
  • Ultramarine blue
  • Cerulean blue (hue)
  • Cadmium red (hue)
  • Lemon yellow
  • Alizarin crimson
  • Yellow ochre

Please note that studio safe solvent and medium is provided by the college. Students are advised not to bring their own products for health and safety purposes.

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Learn to master some of the techniques of oil painting as you discover why this versatile medium has been a favourite choice for many artists over the centuries.

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