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Jerneja Rebernak

Project and Partnerships Manager: Transforming Collections: Reimagining Art, Nation and Heritage
UAL Decolonising Arts Institute
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Jerneja  Rebernak


Jerneja Rebernak is the Project and Partnerships Manager for Transforming Collections: Reimagining Art, Nation and Heritage, funded by UKRI’s Arts and Humanities Research Council Towards a National Collection programme and delivered in collaboration with UAL Creative Computing Institute.

Jerneja has 15 years of experience across the Arts, Culture and Higher Education sectors. She worked internationally delivering intercultural cooperation projects including at the Asia-Europe Foundation in Singapore, the European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam and has been involved as programme manager for the Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies and coordinator for a large public programme part of the European Capital of Culture - Maribor 2012. She has also served as an Intermedia arts advisor for the Slovenian Ministry of Culture. In 2015, she joined the Research and Knowledge Exchange Departments at UAL advising on European innovation funding and has managed several European cooperation projects among others T-Factor (Horizon 2020), Fashion-Tech Alliance, Edu4Fashion Tech, FUEL4Design (Erasmus+) and Creative Lenses (Creative Europe).

Jerneja is multilingual and holds a BA in Communication Science, University of Ljubljana, an MA in Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, and an MA in Situated Practice from the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. Her personal practice evolves across sound, new media art, performance and curating.