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Our mission - Future Creatives

Expanding UAL's offer of exceptional arts education, Future Creatives bring high quality art and design courses to creative students aged 7-17 across the UK. UAL believe in providing creative opportunities for all and through Future Creatives aims to tackle the growing deficiency in arts availability in schools.

In 2018 the BBC found that an estimated 90% of schools reported cutting back on lesson time, staff or facilities in at least one creative arts subject. We increasingly see government reforms prioritise core academic subjects and this is causing creative subjects to be squeezed out schools.

We believe that young people should have access to an inspirational creative education and have the opportunity to explore their artistic ambitions. This is why we are bringing Future Creatives to young people across the UK, to fill the gap in high-quality structured art and design education and help pave the way for the next generation of professional creatives.

3 Future Creatives students planning their project

The UK has always prided ourselves on our visionary creatives. The creative industries are the fastest growing part of the UK economy, contributing over £100 billion every year. That is greater than automotive, aerospace, life sciences and oil and gas sectors combined. Future Creatives is the first step for the next generations in this creative industry.

Future Creatives provides courses high quality art, design and communications that foster creativity and well-being in young people by allowing them to explore individual ideas and express themselves within a like-minded creative community. We teach the knowledge and skills to give young learners the confidence to follow a career or further study in the arts.

This new generation will be equipped with the skills to generate new ideas that drive positive change. We do this because we believe that the arts can have a positive impact on young people's lives now and for the future; and because the world needs creativity.

3 laughing Future Creatives students

Contact us

Future Creatives is a new and expanding venture for UAL. If you have any questions, would like to get involved in teaching or recommend your local area as a Future Creatives hub let us know!