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#MadeByTemps: Lennox Johnston’s animation to introduce students and alumni to Arts Temps

  • Written byArts Temps
  • Published date 20 September 2021

As the new academic year begins the Arts Temps team wanted to commission a short video to share with students during The Big Welcome. We wanted to get temps’ responses to ‘why should students and alumni sign up to Arts Temps?’. We caught up with Lennox Johnston, MA Animation student, who produced the final video.

Why should students and alumni sign up to Arts Temps?

Watch Lennox's animation

Thanks for speaking with us Lennox, could you start by telling us how responded to the brief? 

Of course, so I was given quite a lot of creative freedom to express that in any way I saw fit. As I’m fairly new to Arts Temps, in fact this is the first job I’ve taken on with them, it was a really interesting initial project to sink my teeth into. I felt like I had more of an idea of what had attracted me and my peers to Arts Temps, so I wanted to highlight that in my work. I wanted to draw quite playfully on some of the issues that arise when you’re balancing study and work and put those in the piece.

How did this project help you apply skills from your course and prepare you for future projects? 

I have grown more confident in my animation style and skills, and it provided me with insights into the type of style I want to pursue. Working with one of the Arts Temps team who provided the voice over was super refreshing – it’s the first time I’ve had the opportunity to use voice artistry for one of my projects and I got to experiment with directing to fully realise my vision.

What’s your key takeaway from this project? 

I’d say improving my time management skills! It’s always played a big factor in my studies at UAL and I wanted to really focus on getting this done within the timeframe. Going forward these skills are particularly key for ensuring that I can complete the work within that time-frame and I’m paid appropriately for the amount of time a project takes.

Alongside this, my confidence has really grown – I’d feel better equipped now to let a client know how long a project would take to complete and give them a more realistic cost.

What type of projects do you hope to work on in the future? 

I am generally looking out for animation and illustration projects, but in particular, projects that will better me as an artist. A fun and exciting brief is key! I’m quite value-driven so anything to do with vegan/vegetarian foods, climate change and managing your carbon footprint would be great.

I think these types of jobs are game-changers for students that allow them to do something that promotes a positive change in the world and can have an impact, however small or large.

Thanks for catching up with us Lennox, if you want to find out more about Lennox’s work check out his Instagram and website.

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