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Christmas collaborations with not just a shop

The winning designs from not just a shop's Christmas card competition 2019 in collaboration with Tate.
Written by
not just a shop, Careers & Employability
Published date
06 December 2019

The not just a shop team have been busy designing opportunities for students and graduates to showcase their work this Christmas! Starting with our annual Christmas card competition in collaboration with Tate, all the way through to a festive gift wrap competition and a new window design by UAL alumna Teresa Rego.

We've asked the winners of our festive competitions to tell us a little more about the inspiration behind their designs!

Christmas card design featuring mountains, reflected in a lake and a half moon.
Christmas card design by Liv Scanes as part of UAL x Tate's competition.

‘Mountain Scene with Moon’ by Liv Scanes, Chelsea College of Arts

What does Christmas mean to you? 

Christmas to me has always been about family and people in my life coming together. It’s the one time of year when I get to see family members and friends that I don’t usually see and spend time with the people I love. My family always treats Christmas like an open invite. Anyone is welcome in our home at Christmas and no one is ever a burden.

What’s your card design about? 

I’ve always loved the idea of a white Christmas and seeing snow on Christmas Day but it very rarely snows at Christmas nowadays. So, I wanted to depict a tranquilly beautiful snow landscape that I’d love to wake up to on Christmas Day.

Any Christmas wishes? 

My Christmas wishes this year are very simple and that’s just to relax and spend time with family and friends. It’s the first Christmas for my nephew where he’s old enough to understand the excitement of the holiday, so I want to make sure it’s as magical for him as can be.

Anything to add?

Just want to wish every one a Merry Christmas and happy holidays

Christmas card design featuring people and their shadows running across snowy hills.
Christmas card design by Lena Yokoyama as part of UAL x Tate's competition.

‘A Christmas Memory’ by Lena Yokoyama, Camberwell College of Arts student

What does Christmas mean to you?  

Christmas is always a special time of the year for me. Not because I’m particularly religious but because it’s the only time of year that the whole family gets together.  Living in London and coming from a bi-cultural background means that my family are spread out over two different continents. At Christmas, I get to fly home and get together with at least a bigger part of the family, which I’m always very grateful for.

What’s your card design about?

The design is titled ‘A Christmas Memory’ as it is a genuine memory of my childhood. In Austria, where I grew up, winters tend to get extremely cold. This means that the winter months are always remembered in conjunction with heavy snow and frozen lakes. We used to have a smaller lake very close to our home. When it was particularly cold and we were feeling brave enough, our neighbours and I would go there and skate on the ice.

How was the card made?

The card was made through woodcut, using a reduction cut technique. This means, that with the same piece of wood, each layer/colour gets printed before it gets cut away and reduced. This technique requires a lot of planning and results in only a limited number of prints, which in my case was an initial edition of only 12. That’s why it is all the more special for me that my design is getting reproduced through Tate and UAL, making it therefore available to a much wider audience.

Any Christmas wishes?

Just as much creativity and loving community for the new year, as experienced up to now.

One more Christmas wish - follow me on insta and check out my website! Instagram: @lena_yokoyama Website:

Christmas card design featuring the front of a building where you can see into 4 different people's rooms, full of Christmas decorations.
Christmas card design by Francesca Adani as part of UAL x Tate's competition.

‘Window Scene’ by Francesca Adani, London College of Communication

What does Christmas mean to you?

To me Christmas means spending time with those you love and who love you; it’s that time of the year when I can go back home and see my family and friends and have a good time with them.

What’s your card design about?

With this card I wanted to show how different people spend Christmas. Because you can celebrate it with whoever you want, like family, friends, even your pets; what matters is that you spend it with someone you love and care about. Christmas always brings me joy and I wanted to express this feelings through bright colours.

Any Christmas wishes?

For myself, and for everyone who needs it, this year I wish to be able take risk and go for it, because whether it ends good or bad it will always be an experience.

Anything to add?

Have a wonderful Christmas full of joy and happiness!

A Christmas card design featuring a house and mountains with smiling faces.
Christmas card design by Bianca Palazzi as part of UAL x Tate's competition.

‘Bitter Sweet Winter’ by Bianca Palazzi, London College of Communication

What does Christmas mean to you? 

Christmas is my favourite time of year - I love feeling cosy and festive with family, as well as friends. It’s a good excuse to feast and almost everyone is always happy! The best part of the Christmas period is definitely the build up before the big day.

What’s your card design about? 

My design is about the winter period in general. That time of year where it gets darker earlier, but despite the colder weather, there’s always a warm house with a fire on somewhere.

Any Christmas wishes? 

Hopefully there will be lots of happiness going around, putting everyone in the best mindset to start the new year and to achieve some goals!

A gift wrap and tag set designed by a UAL student, with people dancing at a Christmas party on.
Festive wrap and gift tag design by May Mahuttanatan

Christmas wrap design by May Mahuttanatan

What does Christmas mean to you?

Christmas to me is the season of sharing and creating joy, giving out gratitude and love to other people. A blissful time of the year!

What’s your wrapping paper and gift tag design about?  

My wrapping paper and tag is inspired by the atmosphere around UAL during Christmas time. When people come celebrating together with no boundaries, enjoying diversity and inclusion along with the festive ambiance.

Anything to add?

Merry Christmas to everyone! Warm wishes for a happy festive season.

Congratulations to all of our winners and thanks to everyone who entered!

The cards are now available to buy from not just a shop (both in-store and online). They are priced at £7.50 per pack of 10 cards, with a buy 3 get 1 free promotion across all 4 designs in-store and online.

Enter the code Tate25 at the checkout when shopping online to get your discount.

The festive wrap is available to buy from not just a shop for £2 a sheet or 3 sheets for £5.