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5 reasons to take the Introduction to Design with Systems Short Course

  • Written byCarys Thomas
  • Published date 14 March 2022

Design is the driving force behind the creative industries, fuelling new product development and innovation.

The Introduction to Design with Systems Online Short Course is designed to introduce students to the basic systems theory that is essential for understanding and working with systems. Students will explore how to map and engage with systems and their varied elements, touching on participatory design practices, co-design methods, inclusivity and ethics.

The course has been developed by the UAL Social Design Institute, a specialist team who use research insights to inform and change how designers and organisations design. Read more about the UAL Social Design Institute and their aims.

We caught up with course tutor, Rosie Hornbuckle, to find out more about the course and discuss why it's a good choice for beginners with an interest in pursuing a systems-based approach in their work. Rosie is a Research Fellow here at the University of the Arts London and has worked on three EU H2020 social and material innovation projects.

Read on to discover what Rosie had to say about who should take this short course.

Image of Rosie Hornbuckle
Rosie Hornbuckle

Why take the Introduction to Design with Systems Short Course?

This course would be an ideal choice for you if:

1. You would like to understand how to apply design thinking to tackle social, circular and systemic challenges.

2. You would like an introduction to systems thinking and to understand how you can apply it within your design practice.

3. You would like to understand how design as an applied creative discipline can help address increasingly complex and critical challenges through applied systems thinking.

4. You would like to expand your role as a designer and begin to work in a more co-creative, democratic and participatory way.

5. You would like to improve your 'systems literacy' and learn about the role of visualising systems in participatory design practice.

Inspired to find out more? Take a look at our Introduction to Design with Systems Online Short Course for more details and to book your place.

You may also want to explore our other service design and design thinking short courses to find out how you can develop the skills needed to design services and enhance the user experience.

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