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Paul Dewis

Specialist Technician Printmaking
Central Saint Martins
Person Type
Paul  Dewis


Tell us about yourself…

I studied painting at East London University back in the early ‘90s, but unfortunately or rather fortunately for the world of painting, paint didn’t really agree with me and I ended up making a lot of large scale charcoal and graphite drawings which may have been the reason I was offered the chance by the printmaking technician to return after my degree and spend time in the print room… the rest, as they say, is history.

I went on to do a printmaking postgraduate diploma at the Slade School of Art and was Print Studio Coordinator at the London Print Studio for over 10 years. I have worked in and gained invaluable experience in various leading editioning studios and continue to exhibit and make my own work and have also spent a not inconsiderable amount of time as (probably) the only vegetarian butcher’s boy in Hackney.

How did you come to work at CSM?

I started at Byam Shaw one day a week about 8 years ago… and have been here ever since.

What do you love most about your job?

The variety of the projects, never knowing what’s going to happen next and being in a position where I can share knowledge.

What's your favourite thing about Central Saint Martins?

The great people and the great possibilities.

Who or what is your biggest inspiration?

Due to my general eclectism and propensity for distraction the list is ever changing but a few things in no particular order are: Elvis, the obscure and the esoteric, grainy photographs taken on cheap cameras from charity shops, molecular imagery, Samuel Palmer, TV interference, a Coil gig I once saw, Conrad Schnitzler and country music.

What advice would you give to new students?

Just give it ago: experiment, try things out and make stuff.