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Digital Labs

The Digital Media facility provides a variety of digital learning spaces that support both taught sessions and open access.

The mixed reality lab is a cutting-edge technology facility where students and researchers can explore and experiment with the integration of virtual and physical environments. In the mixed reality lab, advanced hardware and software systems are utilised to create an immersive experience for users, allowing them to interact with digital objects in a seemingly real way. The lab is equipped with tools such as virtual reality headsets, motion capture setups and specialised computer hardware software to create a seamless blend of virtual and physical elements. The mixed reality lab serves as a hub for innovation and creativity, enabling researchers and developers to push the boundaries of what is possible in the mixed reality space.

The CAD (Computer-Aided Design) computer suite is a specialised room equipped with high-performance computers designed specifically for computer-aided design and drafting. The suite is typically used by students from architecture, product design, animation and fashion, to create and edit digital drawings, models, and simulations. The computers in the suite typically run specialised CAD software that allows users to create 3D models, architectural blueprints, detailed technical drawings, digital garments and animations with precision and accuracy. The CAD computer suite provides designers and engineers with a dedicated space for digital design work and is essential for modern product development and design processes.

The Digital Media Lab is a specialist-led technology-focused workspace where individuals can design, create, and build digital and physical prototypes using cutting-edge technologies and tools. There is software such as the Adobe Suite, 3D packages, computer-aided design (CAD) programs and programming languages. The goal of a Digital Media Lab is for our team of Specialist Technicians to provide users with the tools and resources they need to turn their ideas into tangible, physical objects. Whether it's creating a new product, publication, experimenting with new materials, or prototyping a design, the Digital Making Lab offers an environment where makers can bring their creative ideas to life. It is a hub of innovation and a place where people can develop their skills and explore the potential of emerging technologies to create innovative solutions.

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