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Cell Furniture

Wall mounted board containing cell items

The cell furniture project emerged as a response to the pressing need for enhanced safety measures within UK prisons

Prison cell furniture poses unique challenges due to the nature of the prison environment, where issues of safety and misuse come into play. By adopting a co-design approach, the project aimed to identify and address the problems with existing cell furniture.  

The DAC team collaborated with prison staff, prisoners and designers to develop a range of cell furniture products which incorporated anti-vandalism and anti-harm features. The aim was to prioritise user well-being and sustainability at every stage of production, resulting in furniture that can be manufactured within the prison.

The cell furniture initiative was funded by Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) from 2018 to 2020.

Collaborate with us

If you are interested in finding out more about the cell furniture project or want to collaborate or partner with us on future projects, please contact Lorraine Gamman,


Explore our methodology, tools and workshops in Figshare.

Sheets of pencil sketches of designs on a table top


The project generated products, as well as material recommendations and innovative design proposals from UAL students, which you can explore further on Figshare:

Watch the inspiring short film below to hear about the project from prisoner participant, Nigel Ingram:

Design Against Crime: Nigel Ingram, Cell Furniture Project


To find out more about the value of using collaborative design to engage with prisoners, explore our publications on UAL Research online.


The cell furniture project has demonstrated the value of using collaborative, design-thinking led approaches to successfully engage with prison inmates [see the first evaluation report], as well as generating innovative new designs for prison furniture aimed at reducing violence and self-harm.

Several of DAC’s furniture design proposals (the multi-purpose chair, the metal bed design and the cardboard furniture) were selected for prototyping and testing by HMPPS.  In 2019, 4 proposals from BA Product Design students were selected by HMPPS for continued development with DAC through paid internships

DAC is currently in discussions with HMPPS regarding the manufacturing and distribution of the flip chair in UK prisons within the next two years


Principle Investigator: Professor Lorraine Gamman
Co-Investigator: Prof Adam Thorpe
Project Co-ordinator, Design and Researcher: Jeffrey Doruff
Project Co-ordinator, Design and Researcher: Zoe Kahane
Materials Specialist: Katie-May Boyd
Senior Furniture Designer: Rock Galpin
Evaluators: Professor Laura Caulfield and Isha Chopra

BA Product Design students involved in the project:

Alfred Low Wei Leong
SiWai Welsey Lei
Pietro Fareri
Ana De Pellegrin
Hafeez Dawood
Ines Attieh


Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Services (HMPPS)
Ministry of Justice
Public Sector Prison Industries (PSPI)

University of Wolverhampton
National Research Council
HMP Standford Hill
