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Dr Jackie Raphael-Luu

Course Leader, BA (Hons) Advertising and Senior Lecturer in Communications and Media
London College of Communication
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Jackie  Raphael-Luu


Dr Jackie Raphael-Luu is the Course Leader for BA (Hons) Advertising and a Senior Lecturer in Communications and Media at London College of Communication.

Jackie completed her PhD at Curtin University in Australia in 2013. Her thesis was titled: “The Celebrity Endorsement Industry: Adapting to Web 2.0 and Beyond”. For the past 15 years, she has researched celebrity culture, social media, endorsements, branding, mass media, activism, iconic status, persona, identity and bromance as a promotional tool.

Jackie has organised and chaired conferences globally, in places such as New York, Barcelona, Perth and London. She is the Co-Chair and Co-Editor of Power of Prestige (an annual conference and book publication relating to media and fame), and an Executive Board Member and Regional Chair of the Fame and Persona Research Consortium (FPRC).

Jackie has published a number of books including Celebrity Bromance: Constructing, Interpreting and Utilising Personas; Aussie Fans: Uniquely placed in global popular culture; Personas and Places: Negotiating Myths, Stereotypes and National Identities; and Disassembling the Celebrity Figure: Credibility and the Incredible. Additionally, she has published numerous journal articles and book chapters.

When Jackie is not teaching and researching, she freelances as a graphic designer, branding consultant and reviewer for the arts and films.

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View the BA (Hons) Advertising course page.


