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Rachel Clarke

Course Leader, BA (Hons) Design for Art Direction
London College of Communication
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Rachel  Clarke


Rachel Clarke is Course Leader for BA (Hons) Design for Art Direction at London College of Communication - an innovative course that develops student skills in diverse and experimental visual communication practices.

Rachel is a design researcher and practitioner who combines visual communication with qualitative research, performance and storytelling on issues of climate change, sustainability and social inequality. She has exhibited work internationally and co-authored research papers across design research, human-computer interaction (HCI), and social sciences.

She is currently co-editing a new book, Designing More-than-Human Smart Cities: Beyond Sustainability, Towards Cohabitation with Oxford University Press (forthcoming 2024) and is also an advisor for DEFRA’s Futures Advisory Group.

Prior to joining London College of Communication, Rachel was a senior lecturer in interaction design at Open Lab, Newcastle University, with a focus on developing social and environmental sustainability projects with partners and postgraduate researchers. Here she developed a passion for integrating research into a creative computing curriculum and continues to invest in research-informed teaching and learning.

She was co-investigator at the Centre for Digital Citizens, and Research Fellow at the Centre for International Development at Northumbria University. Example projects include urban soil data kits for citizen scientists to understand environmental quality and health inequalities (funded by NERC), designing more-than-human data interactions in the smart city (funded by EPSRC), and exploring young Palestinians’ responses to housing working with UN Women representatives (funded by the British Academy).

Rachel also co-chaired the Participatory Design Conference (PDC’22) pioneering a decentralised and inclusive hybrid model of conference delivery called PDC Places, developing a bespoke online platform to run a multi-lingual programme of over 100 events, across five continents.

Before joining academia, Rachel ran her own digital media company working with artists and theatre practitioners on digital inclusion and interpretation projects. She has collaborated with social and environmental organisations, museums and galleries in the UK and internationally including Natural England, RSPB, Barnardo’s, Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Arts Council England’s Creative Partnerships, Canadian Film Council, Klondike Institute of Arts & Culture, and the Polish Centre for Storytelling.

Rachel is a design researcher and practitioner who combines visual communication with qualitative research, performance and storytelling on issues of climate change, sustainability and social inequality. She has exhibited work internationally and co-authored research papers across design research, human-computer interaction (HCI), and social sciences.

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View the BA (Hons) Design for Art Direction course page.

