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Rebecca McCray

Alumni, BA (Hons) Interaction Design Arts
London College of Communication
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Rebecca  McCray


Rebecca McCray is an alumni of BA (Hons) Interaction Design Arts at London College of Communication. She talks to us about taking part in the Diploma in Professional Studies year.

at London College of Communication. She talks to us about taking part in the Diploma in Professional Studies year.


Which did you study at LCC?

Interaction and Moving Image

Tell us about your current role and what you're currently working on.

Artist activist / freelance creative consultant and executive producer.

What made you choose the Diploma in Professional Studies (DPS) opportunity?

Initially just so I could go to Australia for a year!

Where did you go for your DPS year? Tell us a little bit about your experience:

Sydney; working for production companies, design studios and VJing.

What's the most important thing you learned from doing the DPS year?

"Be persistent, determined but charming", to quote my tutor Sarah Temple!

How did DPS alter your future ambitions?

It made me pull my socks up and get serious about work and study.

Would you recommend a DPS year to other students and if so, why?

Yes! You can make it what you want and it puts you ahead of the pack when you graduate.

What advice would you give to students applying for the DPS year?

Go for it.

What was the best thing about your time at LCC and why?

I loved that it was a really experimental course with a strong focus on concepts and critical theory.

Is there a particular person who shaped your university experience or creative outlook?

Fellow students (Kate Michaelson, Hannah Elbourne), foundation tutors and Andrew Haslam my typography tutor.

Where do you go for inspiration?

Art exhibitions and my books.

What does your workspace look like? Do you have a studio?

Yes – it looks like a sweet shop or toy shop which has just been burgled.

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View the BA (Hons) Interaction Design Arts course page

Find out more about the Diploma in Professional Studies