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Isabel Lim

Alumni, BA (Hons) Design Management
London College of Communication
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Isabel  Lim


Isabel Lim studied BA (Hons) Design Management at London College of Communication.


Tell us about joining BA Design Management and what were the highlights?

Joining Design Management felt natural to me as it encapsulated everything I wanted in the course - a good mix of academia and industry projects. Some memorable highlights were being able to be part of industry organisations like Pullman Hotel and being able to craft a major project from start to finish according to my own vision.

What have you been up to since graduating?

After graduation I flew back to Singapore and started work at a local production agency where I produced exhibitions and campaigns for museums and organisations. I also started an online earring business called Ears of A Fox as a side hustle. Currently I'm working at Wework as a Community Lead.

What did you learn on DMC that has been relevant for industry in Singapore?

Because Singapore leans towards an innovation economy, the things that I have learnt on the course have been particularly useful – hard skills such as organisational tools and soft skills such as creativity.

Tell us about your Major Project and the award you won

My major project was called Communciaid - A platform for chronic patients to chart their medical journey and include family and friends all in a singular space. It was inspired by my own personal experience and story. I decided to sign it up for an International Young Social Enterprise award and am very grateful for the experience and outcome.

What important piece of advice would you give to students thinking of studying this course?

If you are entrepreneurial or looking to start something to make a change, Design Management is perfect because it provides valuable resources, experienced educators and relevant industry projects. But most importantly you will get the chance to be integrated into a space with like-minded individuals like yourself.

What is it like working for clients and having your own business?

It gets pretty crazy but mostly it's fun. I enjoy being able to be integrated in a company and contribute as a member of a wider community but also to have something I call my own. My day job is very technical so my side business allows me to be more creative.

3 pieces of advice for students studying on BA (Hons) Design Management

1. Stay curious 2. Listen 3. It's okay to make mistakes

Related area

View the BA (Hons) Design Management course page.


Watch Communicaid YSE video on Vimeo